2024 Inductee

Alan Savage was born and grew up in Evansville Indiana. His dad was an avid outdoorsman. Hunting and fishing were a part of their lives with Alan tagging along by about the age of 6. His dad also shot on his company’s trap and skeet team. So, in the 1950’s and 60’s if they were short a shooter Alan filled in. By then the targets were no longer glass balls with feathers, they had transitioned to clay targets. Alan was an avid duck hunter while in college and the army reserve. In 1964 accepted a job with 3M’s Electrical Products Division, as a sales rep. covering a territory that included parts of southern Indiana, southern Illinois and western Kentucky. During this time, he met Rose Marie a student nurse and they were married in 1965. Stacy was born in 1966 and Alan II in 1968. A job territory transfer, in 1969 sent the family to New Orleans with a sales area that include south Louisiana and southern Mississippi. During this time there was more duck hunting, a new black Lab puppy and Hurricane Camille. Alan began shooting at the Capital Gun Club in Jackson and the Cajun Gun Club in Belle Chase Louisiana. Four years later and another transfer to Des Moines brought pheasant Hunting, a new son Andy, and participation in league shooting at The New Pioneer Gun Club. In the spring of 1976, Alan was transferred to the Twin Cities. His territory covered Minnesota, North Dakota, and parts of Wisconsin. After retiring from 3M in Jan. 2001, Alan joined the 3M Trap & Skeet Club and Bald Eagle Sportsmen’s Association. He has served as an officer and Skeet Director at both clubs since the early 2000’s. Alan’s first registered targets were at the Minnetonka Club over 20 years ago and since then he has registered over 100,000 skeet targets. At his first out of town tournament, the Silver Dollar Shoot in Rockford, Illinois, he made money. Registered skeet was not only fun, but it turned a profit. Alan was hooked on tournament skeet. He took lessons from Jerry Hazel, became a Level 1 NSSA Instructor and took more lessons from Deon Thompson. Some of the highlights of Alan’s career include: coordinating almost 100 shoots between the Bald Eagle Gun Club and the Tartan Trap & Skeet Club since 2005; coaching both the White Bear and Mahtomedi skeet teams since they started shooting skeet ( The Mahtomedi Jr. High kids made it to the Small School State Championship in 2022); the 20 gauge 100 straight at the World Skeet Championships; being featured on the cover of The Clay Target Nation magazine; Making All-American Skeet Teams, and; Earning many concurrent and class titles Most important are the friendships he has made and the great people with whom he shoots.
MSSA Hall Of Fame

1968 John S. (Junior) Dick *
1969 Dr. L. R. Bouma *
1970 Harold Russell *
1971 Fred Nordin *
1972 Oz Conrad *
1973 Al Buntrock *
1974 Wilhelm Anderson *
1975 John Kuslick *
1976 Dave Yeager *
1977 Al Warren *
1978 Jim P. Lundquist *
1979 Wally Walters *
1980 Leslee Nelson
1981 Dr. Richard Tucker *
1982 Michael E. Schmidt Sr. USMC *
1983 Jimmy Robinson *
1983 Gerald P. Welter *
1984 Rollie Johnson *
1985 Dr. John Kelly *
1986 Clifford W. Hanson Jr. *
1987 Richard C. Bienapfl
1987 E. T. Binger *
1988 Joseph J. Daugherty *
1989 Wayne L. Lohman *
1990 Carl B. Cook *
1991 David G. Seidel
1992 Michael E. Schmidt Jr.
1993 Donald D. Tesch
1994 Gordy Schelberg
1995 Vern Aanenson *
1996 Earl E. Snell *
1997 Thomas F. Schmitz Sr.
1998 Edward F. Schultz
1999 Jim Moeller
2000 Ronald L. Chandler
2001 Mike F. Quigley
2002 Jerry Hazel *
2003 LeRoy R. Atkinson
2004 June F. Schiltz *
2004 Richard M. Schiltz *
2005 James D. McLeod
2006 Donald S. Kalland
2007 Sheridan B. Vogel
2008 Gene J. Helsene
2009 Charles Ross Phillips *
2010 Steve Boerboon
2011 Thomas A. Hohag *
2012 Janice C. Lohman
2013 John G. Howe
2014 Michael S. Lohman
2015 Scott Melchisedech
2016 Robert Rick
2017 Leon Rother
2018 Jerry Ryan
2019 Robert C. Muehlenkamp
2020 Mark VanderBloomer
2022 Steve Fadel
2023 Brian Hendrickson
2024 Al Savage
* = deceased